Monday, March 28, 2011

University of North Carolina requires a year of Advanced Math...?

University of North Carolina requires a year of Advanced Math...?
I'm looking at CollegeBoard's profile of UNC Charlotte, and the required math courses are: Algebra I Algebra II Geometry an Advanced Math. Would an Advanced Math be something such as Calculus, or would it be just as acceptable to take the fourth year of math in something like Discrete Math? If you are enrolled at UNC, what math classes did you take in high school? Thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I don't go to UNC, but my suggestions is to contact them and ask. Every admissions webpage always has a "contact us" link for asking questions. If I had to give a direct answer, I don't know what is meant by "Discrete Math" - that sounds like a school system specific class. Off the top of my head, pre-calc, calc, or AP Statistics are the ones I would include in the advanced math category.

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